Saturday 25 August 2012

Smashing China

Today I went for a meal.
It cost me € 9.25
There was no rice.
It had no cat or dog meat in it.
And the bathrooms.. they were not squatters.

A typical meal in China wold consist of rice, with little bits of added ingredients. But it's pretty much just rice. As my dear Norwegian friend once pointed out at dinner: 'There is more meat on that fly, than on this table'.

A typical dorm in China would have eight wooden bunkbeds, a 10 pm curfew, and hot water for only two hours a day. Well done if you can survive that, but good luck with the giant cockroaches that try to eat you in the middle of the night, rat sized spiders and crickets in the bedsheets.

The only thing that is not typical in China, is you. Consider it normal that people want to take pictures of your skin colour everywhere you go. In the streets, you would have families asking to hold their babies for a picture. In the clubs, they would greet you with a private bartender and a never-ending flow of free alcohol. All because you have now, officially, become an attraction.

I loved every single bit of those six weks in my life, but it is now time to smash China out of my system.

Rice with rice for dinner no more, I'm in Rotterdam.