Monday 10 September 2012

going Dutch

As now I have been in Rotterdam for over two weeks, I really feel there are some observations I need to share.
Only in the Netherlands..

..there are more bicycles than people. is cheaper to buy a bike, than to take a taxi home. would get stuck in a bicycle traffic jam at 11pm at night. Dutch traffic.

..there is a street named Riga! would face head wind no matter what direction you cycle. To University: head wind. From University: head wind. Dutch weather.

But the Dutch Timing is probably the worst of all! Only here.. would not be allowed to join the class if you were 5 minutes late, even though the actual lecture hadn't even started yet.
..professors use such words as 'be back at 13:58 sharp!'
..fireworks start 10 minutes early, so you miss it all...

The Dutch have their own quirks and customs, and to read more about it, I have found and suggest the book, The Undutchables, 'a Bible to all things Dutch' wrapped in humour.