Monday 3 September 2012

Sharing my towel

Feature post:
'Sharing my towel' by Hannah Whelan

As a host of frequent visitors, you become naturally use to sharing your room, food, cosmetics and the like. So far, four of five family members have been here, and two of my closest friends - with another two arriving later in the week.
But with a more permanent feature; a friend who will eventually explore, conquer, and enjoy the city to the same extent you will, its a whole different ball game.
The qualities of being a sharing and giving host, are tested to a much greater extent. You become a lot more forgiving of their clothes draped all over your sofa, and their continuous questions about how to get around, where the supermarket/University/nearest H&M is. 
They are trying to create a life too, but from their suitcase, and off your floor. You attempt to empathise; but as a host, you don’t necessarily realise how little they have here.
With having a guest like this, you have to accept that there is no precise time frame for getting your towel back. But you soon realise that it doesn’t matter, and that they don’t mind if it is old, or dirty, used, or extremely small – as they’ll need to dry off much more than anyone else. 

Read more of Hannah, the Rotterdame who gave me a home and shared her towel, and about her adventures in the Netherlands on