Saturday 1 June 2013

so what have I actually done here for a year?

Nine months later another chapter of my life is closing, as I am leaving the rainy Netherlands. Months of YOLO (god, I hate that term) attitude, making the most incredible and inspiring friends for life, and riding my bicycle will all have to be put aside. My exchange year seems nothing but fun and games if you look at my Facebook pictures, but you will be happy to find I actually have achieved certain things even with my carefree attitude.

  • Completed HSK 1 and 2 with glorious results. Yes, my Chinese is great. Well, better than it was before this year.
  • Managed to get 3 (!) jobs in a country I don't know the language of. Well, all of them fired me at the end. A success anyway.
  • Walked in lingerie at a fashion show. Talk about confidence!
  • Passed almost all of my modules. Yes, I did University here even if you weren't able to tell.

Overall, a successful year. All credit goes to the wonderful people who have inspired me all this time, and offered help and support in a moment of need. Yes, thank you, my friends!
On to the next adventure - Riga and Moscow!

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